Plestiodon egregius lividus
A species of Skinks Scientific name : Plestiodon egregius lividus Genus : Skinks
Plestiodon egregius lividus, A species of Skinks
Scientific name: Plestiodon egregius lividus
Genus: Skinks
Description General Info


Plestiodon egregius lividus demonstrates remarkable adaptability in different settings. Primarily, it embraces thigmothermy, absorbing heat from surfaces it contacts, enabling the organism to regulate body temperature environmentally. Uniquely, this species practices autotomic tail shedding as an escape mechanism from predators, regenerating it later, lending it the reputation of an ecological survivor and influencer.

General Info

5-8 years
Plestiodon egregius lividus primarily adheres to a carnivorous diet, consuming mainly arthropods. Insects, particularly ants, termites and beetles, make up a significant portion, supplemented by spiders and small insects.
Plestiodon egregius lividus is a medium-sized skink with smooth, shiny scales. The body is slender and elongated, typically blue-gray with a faint bronze hue. Juveniles exhibit a noticeably bright blue tail. The robust limbs and a long tail complement its streamlined body. No significant appearance differences exist between genders or across age after juvenility. This skink is known for its vivid coloration and its glossy, almost metallic skin.
Plestiodon egregius lividus is a solitary and feisty species. Its activity peaks at dawn and dusk, making it crepuscular in nature. It exhibits vibrant body color changes in response to temperature variations, a behavior tied to its survival in variable environmental settings. Males exhibit territorial displays to ward off rivals, and their breeding season invokes increased aggression.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Skinks Genus
Skinks Species
Plestiodon egregius lividus