Plestiodon egregius egregius
A species of Skinks Scientific name : Plestiodon egregius egregius Genus : Skinks
Plestiodon egregius egregius, A species of Skinks
Scientific name: Plestiodon egregius egregius
Genus: Skinks
Description General Info


Plestiodon egregius egregius is notably adapted to the Southeastern US's temperate ecosystems, often adopting a nocturnal lifestyle to avoid daytime predators. Its omnivorous diet, encompassing a variety of invertebrates and fruits, facilitates its role as a key participant in nutrient cycling. Uniquely, this species exhibits a reproductive strategy termed 'sperm storage', enabling successful fertilization even with prolonged periods between mating events.

General Info

15-20 years
Plestiodon egregius egregius is primarily insectivorous, feasting on a variety of invertebrates. The diet can widely range from ants, beetles, spiders, to small crustaceans, exhibiting its flexible and adaptive feeding behavior.
Plestiodon egregius egregius is a medium-sized skink with a hardy, cylindrical body covered in sleek, shiny scales. Exhibiting a vibrant coloration, it primarily flaunts a radiant blue tail, contrary to its dark brown or black dorsum. Distinct longitudinal stripes can be observed, extending from the snout to the tail. Males conspicuously differ from females, presenting with reddish or orange coloration around their jaw during the breeding season.
Plestiodon egregius egregius are reptilian species known for their solitary behaviors and activity during day. Notably, they use their colorful belly to deter predators, a behaviour termed as 'flash behavior'. They mark territories using chemical cues and aggressively defend their territories when needed. Their diet primarily consists of invertebrates.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Skinks Genus
Skinks Species
Plestiodon egregius egregius