Duges' skink
A species of Skinks Scientific name : Plestiodon dugesii Genus : Skinks
Duges' skink, A species of Skinks
Scientific name: Plestiodon dugesii
Genus: Skinks
Description General Info


The duges' skink is remarkable due to its unusual adaptations. This skink utilizes sophisticated antipredator tactics like autotomy, in which it will self-amputate its tail to distract and escape from a predator. Additionally, it exhibits diurnal habits, meaning it is primarily active during the day. This allows it to regulate its body temperature and search for invertebrates upon which it predominantly feeds, playing a crucial role in controlling their populations.

General Info

5-10 years
Duges' skink exhibits insectivorous dietary habits, primarily consuming arthropods. This species particularly favors termites and ants, often enthusiastically foraging in decaying wood and leaf litter to find these prey.
Duges' skink is a medium-sized skink boasting a sleek, streamline body shape covered in smooth, shiny scales. Featuring a deep blue-black overall colouration, the skink’s underbody is often a contrasting lighter shade. It has a long, tapering tail, an identifiable trait among skinks. Females tend to be slightly larger and have a stouter body shape compared to males. There are no significant differences in appearance between individuals of different ages.
Duges' skink are solitary lizards, primarily diurnal with robust foraging habits. They are ground-dwelling, prefer to bask in sunlight, and use natural crevices for shelter. They exhibit strong territorial behavior, vigorously defending their home ranges. Their distinctive bright blue tails function as a defensive distraction against predators.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Skinks Genus
Skinks Species
Duges' skink