Phrynosoma orbiculare orbiculare
A species of Horned lizards Scientific name : Phrynosoma orbiculare orbiculare Genus : Horned lizards
Phrynosoma orbiculare orbiculare, A species of Horned lizards
Scientific name: Phrynosoma orbiculare orbiculare
Genus: Horned lizards
Description General Info
Highly distinctive in its environmental adaptations, phrynosoma orbiculare orbiculare leads a primarily insectivorous lifestyle - ants being a significant portion of their diet. In addition to this dietary specificity, phrynosoma orbiculare orbiculare exhibits exceptional defensive strategies, one being body inflation to dissuade predators. Their ecological role includes working as a natural pest control, effectively reducing ant populations in their habitats.
General Info
5-8 years
Phrynosoma orbiculare orbiculare's diet predominantly consists of ants. With their sticky tongues, they capture ants on the go, supplementing their intake with termites, beetles, and arachnids when available.
Phrynosoma orbiculare orbiculare is a small, round-bodied lizard with smooth, spiny skin. Its primary color is a dusty brown, blending well with its desert habitat. Notably, the species has a row of sharp spines lining the edges of its body, with a fringe of longer spines around its head, resembling a crown. No significant differences in appearance due to age, gender, or subspecies have been observed.
Phrynosoma orbiculare orbiculare is largely a solitary species following a basking lifestyle. It primarily forages on ground-dwelling arthropods, using its cryptic coloration as both a hunting strategy and a predatory defense mechanism. Engaging in minimal social interactions, phrynosoma orbiculare orbiculare exhibits strong territoriality, often resorting to dramatic display tactics to ward off intruders from its habitat.
Scientific Classification
Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
North american spiny lizards Genus
Horned lizards Species
Phrynosoma orbiculare orbiculare