Phrynosoma orbiculare dugesii
A species of Horned lizards Scientific name : Phrynosoma orbiculare dugesii Genus : Horned lizards
Phrynosoma orbiculare dugesii, A species of Horned lizards
Scientific name: Phrynosoma orbiculare dugesii
Genus: Horned lizards
Description General Info
Phrynosoma orbiculare dugesii is a fascinating creature with a peculiar diet, primarily feeding on harvester ants, making it an important regulator of ant populations. Why ant-centric eating? Phrynosoma orbiculare dugesii's evolved a resistance to the venom, showcasing an intriguing form of ecological adaptation. Additionally, its unique defence mechanism involves squirting blood from its eyes, startling predators and affording a chance to escape. Hence, it plays a unique role in maintaining predator-prey balances in its arid habitat.
General Info
6-8 years
Phrynosoma orbiculare dugesii is primarily an insectivorous species, with ants serving as the main staple in its diet. It also consumes beetles and other small arthropods, relying on their capture as part of natural foraging behavior.
Phrynosoma orbiculare dugesii is a small, flat lizard with rough, spiky skin. Its body is round, mimicking a flattened disc, and it has a short tail. The coloration is mostly brown to grey, allowing superb camouflage with its surroundings. Both males and females possess crown-like rows of spines across their backs, but males are generally darker. No significant age-related changes in appearance have been observed for this animal.
Phrynosoma orbiculare dugesii operates mainly during the day with a propensity for sunbathing to regulate their internal temperature. Their defining behavior - the 'blood-squirting' defense mechanism - involves the release of blood from their ocular sinuses when threatened. Generally solitary, they establish territories haphazardly due to their large home ranges. Adept at camouflage, they blend effortlessly with their arid surroundings.
Scientific Classification
Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
North american spiny lizards Genus
Horned lizards Species
Phrynosoma orbiculare dugesii