San diego horned lizard
A species of Horned lizards, Also known as Coast horned lizard Scientific name : Phrynosoma blainvillii Genus : Horned lizards
San diego horned lizard, A species of Horned lizards
Also known as:
Coast horned lizard
Scientific name: Phrynosoma blainvillii
Genus: Horned lizards
Description General Info


The northwest horned lizard or San Diego's horned lizard (Phrynosoma blainvillii) is a species of reptile in the family of horned lizards (Phrynosomatidae). It is native to Baja California in Mexico and southern California in the United States. It measures about 11 cm without counting the tail, the horns of the head are reddish and brown.

General Info

5-8 years
San diego horned lizard primarily feeds on ants, using its sticky tongue to capture them. It prefers to consume native ant species, especially harvester and carpenter ants, but will also consume other insects when necessary.
The san diego horned lizard is medium-sized with a flat, wide body and rough, spiky skin, resembling a miniature dinosaur. It boasts a unique cranial crest covered in small horns and two large horns just above its eyes. The san diego horned lizard's coloration ranges from light gray to brown, which aids in camouflage amidst desert and coastal scrub environments. Both sexes and all age groups share similar appearances.
San diego horned lizard is an adept burrower, using this skill both for escaping predators and regulating temperature. It feeds on various arthropods, utilizing a sit-and-wait hunting strategy. This species is largely solitary outside mating seasons. Females demonstrate assertiveness during courtship rituals. Notably, san diego horned lizard displays a unique defensive behavior, inflating its body and shooting blood from its eyes if threatened.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
North american spiny lizards Genus
Horned lizards Species
San diego horned lizard