Horvath's toad headed agama
A species of Spotted toadhead agama, Also known as Persian toad-headed agama Scientific name : Phrynocephalus persicus Genus : Spotted toadhead agama
Horvath's toad headed agama, A species of Spotted toadhead agama
Also known as:
Persian toad-headed agama
Scientific name: Phrynocephalus persicus
Genus: Spotted toadhead agama
Description General Info


Phrynocephalus persicus, commonly known as the Persian toad-headed agama, is a small diurnal desert lizard of the family Agamidae. It is the westernmost representative of the Central Asian genus of toad-headed agamas Phrynocephalus and is only known from deserts and semideserts of Iran and possibly Azerbaijan.

General Info

8-10 years
Horvath's toad headed agama predominantly feeds on small insects, especially beetles. Its diet may also encompass spiders and ant species. This lizard's foraging behavior involves active hunting and opportunistic feeding.
Horvath's toad headed agama is a small reptile, with an elongated body structure and rough, knobby skin. Its color is predominantly brown, allowing it to blend with rocky and desert habitats. The skin surface swirls with varied tints of cream and darker stripes, especially on its back and tail. During mating periods, males develop brighter pigmentation, estranging from their usual highly-camouflaged appearance.
Horvath's toad headed agama is prominently solitary and diurnal, actively foraging in the morning and late afternoon. Notably, it faints to deceive predators and save itself from harm, a unique survival tactic. Incredibly territorial, males engage in physical confrontations to defend their domain.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Dragons Genus
Spotted toadhead agama Species
Horvath's toad headed agama