Arabian toadhead agama
A species of Spotted toadhead agama Scientific name : Phrynocephalus arabicus Genus : Spotted toadhead agama
Arabian toadhead agama, A species of Spotted toadhead agama
Scientific name: Phrynocephalus arabicus
Genus: Spotted toadhead agama
Description General Info


Arabian toadhead agama is notable for its adaptation to arid desert environments, utilizing a unique behavioral strategy of remaining burrowed in sand during the heat of the day to counter heat stress and dehydration. These ectotherms are solitary animals, typically only interacting with one another during the mating season. Their diet primarily consists of arthropods, showcasing a high degree of dietary specialization which aids in their survival within harsh desert ecosystems.

General Info

5-8 years
Arabian toadhead agama predominantly feeds on tiny arthropods, particularly ants. This species exhibits an opportunistic feeding behavior, snatching larvae, beetles, and spiders when ants are scarce.
Arabian toadhead agama is a small, round-bodied lizard with a flattened, toad-like appearance and granular skin. It is prominent for its sandy-brown coloration which aids in desert camouflage. Typically, a dark dorsal stripe runs from the neck to the tail-tip. Females have broader heads and bodies compared to males who boast brighter coloration during the mating season. This species lacks any wings, horns or noticeable tail features.
Arabian toadhead agama exhibits a largely solitary nature, foraging alone and inhabiting individual burrows. They demonstrate unique thermoregulatory behaviors such as 'heliothermy', absorbing heat from the sun by positioning their bodies perpendicularly to its rays. Furthermore, to mark territory, they excrete a white substance from specialized glands.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Dragons Genus
Spotted toadhead agama Species
Arabian toadhead agama