Papuascincus stanleyanus
A species of Papuascincus Scientific name : Papuascincus stanleyanus Genus : Papuascincus
Papuascincus stanleyanus, A species of Papuascincus
Scientific name: Papuascincus stanleyanus
Genus: Papuascincus
Description General Info


Papuascincus stanleyanus is characterized by an arboreal lifestyle in the humid forests of Papua New Guinea. This species exhibits a unique foraging behavior, actively feeding on arthropods in the vegetation layer while employing cryptic coloration for effective camouflage. Its social behavior is not extensively studied, hinting at the need for further ecological research.

General Info

5-8 years
Papuascincus stanleyanus is an insectivorous species, primarily feeding on arthropods. It exhibits opportunistic feeding behavior, showing a preference for ants and termites, and can also consume small spiders when available.
Papuascincus stanleyanus is a small skink with a slender, cylindrical body structure. Covered in smooth, shiny scales, its skin radiates a primary grayish-brown color, fading into lighter shades on the underside. The tail is long, thin and tapering. The species exhibits no significant physical variations due to age, gender or subspecies.
Papuascincus stanleyanus is a predominantly solitary species with distinctive nocturnal activity patterns. Its main behaviors include burrowing in soil during the day for shelter and foraging for small insects at night. Papuascincus stanleyanus employs a blending strategy for survival, with its unique coloration providing effective camouflage in its forest habitat.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Skinks Genus
Papuascincus Species
Papuascincus stanleyanus