Brown-patched kangaroo lizard
A species of Otocryptis, Also known as Wiegmann's agama Scientific name : Otocryptis wiegmanni Genus : Otocryptis
Brown-patched kangaroo lizard, A species of Otocryptis
Also known as:
Wiegmann's agama
Scientific name: Otocryptis wiegmanni
Genus: Otocryptis
Description General Info


Otocryptis wiegmanni, commonly called the brown-patched kangaroo lizard, Sri Lankan kangaroo lizard or Wiegmann's agama, is a small, ground-dwelling agamid lizard endemic to Sri Lanka.

General Info

3-5 years
Brown-patched kangaroo lizard is an herbivore, primarily feeding on leaves. It prefers young, tender leaves, and consumes a variety of species, often grazing in lower shrubs. It's also known to supplement its diet with fruits, flowers, and seeds.
Brown-patched kangaroo lizard is a small, ground-dwelling lizard with a slender body covered in smooth, dry skin. Its coloration is a vibrant green and brown, sometimes featuring orange-brown spots, which provide excellent camouflage. Males typically sport a dorsal crest extending from the neck to the tail. Both genders have extended snouts and long tails, serving as essential tools for balance while moving through vegetation.
Brown-patched kangaroo lizard is a solitary, territorial reptile. Its characteristic high-speed leap for pre-landing body rotation functions as escape behavior from predators. It also vaults at high speeds towards insect prey. Within its territory, brown-patched kangaroo lizard uses visual and postural signals to communicate threats to intruders. During courtship, males perform tail-wagging display to females.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Dragons Genus
Otocryptis Species
Brown-patched kangaroo lizard