Grandidier's madagascar swift
A species of Madagascan swifts Scientific name : Oplurus grandidieri Genus : Madagascan swifts
Grandidier's madagascar swift, A species of Madagascan swifts
Scientific name: Oplurus grandidieri
Genus: Madagascan swifts
Description General Info


Grandidier's Madagascar swift (Oplurus grandidieri ) is a species of saxicolous (rock dwelling) lizard of the genus Oplurus.

General Info

10-15 years
Grandidier's madagascar swift sustains itself primarily on a herbivorous diet, favoring succulent leaves and stems. This species also consumes fruit and occasionally insects, particularly during scarce vegetation periods.
Grandidier's madagascar swift is a medium-sized lizard with a muscular, streamlined body adorned with tough, spiky scales. This species exhibits a mottled gray to brown coloration which provides excellent camouflage in its rocky habitat. Distinctively, grandidier's madagascar swift has a long, tapering tail, and its head is adorned with a series of pointed ridges which extend down the back. Male individuals are typically larger than females and have more pronounced dorsal spines.
Grandidier's madagascar swift is a solitary species, primarily active during the day. It marks its territory with scent glands and displays aggressive behavior to deter intruders. This species is adept at climbing to forage for food and uses its tail for balance and agility. It is known for its impressive sun-basking activity, essential for thermoregulation.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Madagascan iguanas Genus
Madagascan swifts Species
Grandidier's madagascar swift