Madagascar swift
A species of Madagascan swifts Scientific name : Oplurus cyclurus Genus : Madagascan swifts
Madagascar swift, A species of Madagascan swifts
Scientific name: Oplurus cyclurus
Genus: Madagascan swifts
Description General Info


The Merrem's Madagascar swift, Oplurus cyclurus (or Madagascar swift) is an arboreal Malagasy iguana belonging to the Oplurus genus. They are endemic to Madagascar and have a mostly carnivorous diet. Their breeding is timed with the rainy season.

General Info

8-12 years
Madagascar swift is predominantly an insectivore, gleaning insects directly from the bark of trees. It consumes a wide variety of insects, but it shows a strong preference for arthropods, particularly spiders and beetles.
Madagascar swift is a medium-sized lizard with a robust build and rough, pebble-like skin. It predominantly exhibits a vibrant ocher or pale yellow coloration often featuring broad, irregular dark bands. The creature has a broad head, powerful jaws, and a long tail. Males tend to be larger than females and are distinguished by a more pronounced dorsal crest and heftier body build.
Madagascar swift is a solitary species, active during daytime. Known for territorial behavior, males often display darting gestures to fend off rivals. Adapted to arid conditions, they spend significant time basking in the sun for thermoregulation, retreating to cool off under rocks or vegetation. Their diet comprises primarily of insects and small invertebrates.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Madagascan iguanas Genus
Madagascan swifts Species
Madagascar swift