Gray's ornate skink
A species of Oligosoma Scientific name : Oligosoma ornatum Genus : Oligosoma
Gray's ornate skink, A species of Oligosoma
Scientific name: Oligosoma ornatum
Genus: Oligosoma
Description General Info


Gray's ornate skink (Oligosoma ornatum) is a species of skink found in New Zealand.

General Info

10-20 years
Gray's ornate skink is an insectivorous species, primarily preferring ants and beetles. It frequently consumes spiders and other small invertebrates, making these a significant part of its diet.
Gray's ornate skink is a small, slender skink with smooth, overlapping scales. Adults typically exhibit a bright green coloration with distinctive dark-edged white stripes running from head to tail. Juveniles, however, display a more cryptic, brownish hue. Males are often slightly larger and more brightly colored than females. This reptile is also notable for its long, tapering tail, which can be nearly double its body length.
Gray's ornate skink is a diurnal species, notably active during the day in foraging for invertebrates. Displaying solitary behaviors, these reptiles mark their territorial regions by leaving chemical profiles. As adept climbers, they utilize their environment skillfully, demonstrating a unique adaptation to their natural surroundings.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Skinks Genus
Oligosoma Species
Gray's ornate skink