Tiger lizard
A species of Sandveld lizards Scientific name : Nucras tessellata Genus : Sandveld lizards
Tiger lizard, A species of Sandveld lizards
Scientific name: Nucras tessellata
Genus: Sandveld lizards
Description General Info


Nucras tessellata (Smith, 1838), or the Western or Striped Sandveld Lizard, is native to the west coast of Southern Africa. It is found in the Western Cape, Tankwa Karoo National Park, Richtersveld, Botswana, Kalahari Gemsbok National Park and Namibia. Although preferring arid, sandy areas they also stray into fynbos and mountain grassland. Members of the genus Nucras have a cylindrical body and an extremely long tail. They are secretive and not often seen.

General Info

5-10 years
Tiger lizard is primarily an insectivorous species, with a strong preference for arthropods. Its diet consists largely of beetles, spiders, and termites, notable for their high protein content, supporting its active lifestyle.
Tiger lizard is a medium-sized lizard with a sleek, elongated body and short, sturdy limbs. Its smooth, dry skin displays a principally grey-brown color along with a distinct dorsal pattern of rectangular brown patches. Tiger lizard's long, agile tail is a key feature, tapering to a pointed end. Its head is triangular, adorned with small, alert eyes.
Tiger lizard is a solitary and mostly terrestrial animal exhibiting diurnal behavior. Notably, it uses its speed and agility to capture prey, primarily insects. It's territorial by nature, marking its territory through scent glands. Unusual among its kind, it displays ovoviviparous reproduction, wherein the young are born fully formed.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Wall lizards Genus
Sandveld lizards Species
Tiger lizard