Spotted sandveld lizard
A species of Sandveld lizards Scientific name : Nucras intertexta Genus : Sandveld lizards
Spotted sandveld lizard, A species of Sandveld lizards
Scientific name: Nucras intertexta
Genus: Sandveld lizards
Description General Info


Nucras intertexta, the spotted sandveld lizard, is a wall lizard in the family of true lizards (Lacertidae). It is found in Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, and South Africa.

General Info

5-8 years
Spotted sandveld lizard primarily feeds on invertebrates with a particular inclination towards arthropods. It showcases a preference for beetles and spiders, utilizing intricately sharp claws for catching and devouring prey.
Spotted sandveld lizard is a medium-sized lizard, marked by sleekness and agility. Its scales are mainly creamy beige and adorned with broad, brown longitudinal stripes that add an element of camouflage. The body is elongated, tapering to a long, active tail. Sharp claws and thorny scales on the hind limbs give spotted sandveld lizard a distinctive appearance.
Spotted sandveld lizard are diurnal reptiles known for their active foraging tactics. They primarily feed on arthropods. These solitary lizards show territorial tendencies, often displaying head-bobbing and tail-wagging to ward off rivals. They are adept at burrowing and will retreat into the sand to escape predators, using their complex coloration as camouflage.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Wall lizards Genus
Sandveld lizards Species
Spotted sandveld lizard