Notoscincus ornatus wotjulum
A species of Notoscincus Scientific name : Notoscincus ornatus wotjulum Genus : Notoscincus
Notoscincus ornatus wotjulum, A species of Notoscincus
Scientific name: Notoscincus ornatus wotjulum
Genus: Notoscincus
Description General Info


As a remarkable product of evolution, notoscincus ornatus wotjulum thrives in arid conditions allied to their nocturnal modus operandi. Predominantly insectivorous, this lizard's dietary preference has evolved to be predominantly ants, a potential survival strategy to accommodate the dry environment. Alongside, notoscincus ornatus wotjulum employs 'tail autotomy', a self-defensive mechanism of breaking away its tail, confusing predators and facilitating escape, showing its remarkable adaptability.

General Info

5-10 years
Notoscincus ornatus wotjulum predominantly subsists on a diet rich in insects, particularly beetles and spider species. Seasonal availability further spices up its palate with the addition of small arachnids and other invertebrates.
Notoscincus ornatus wotjulum is a small, slender skink with smooth, shiny scales. Its unique marking includes dark longitudinal stripes that run across its bronze-colored skin. It has a distinctive cream-colored underbelly. Unlike other skinks, its tail is relatively short but broad. Both males and females of the species look similar, with no significant age or gender-based differences in appearance.
Notoscincus ornatus wotjulum is a skittish, predominantly terrestrial species, known for its distinctive burrowing behavior. Displaying a solitary nature, this animal adapts to its arid environment by seeking refuge in self-dug tunnels, aiding in thermoregulation and predator evasion. Showing diurnal and opportunistic foraging patterns, notoscincus ornatus wotjulum's feeding behavior is often characterized by a diet primarily focused on small invertebrates.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Skinks Genus
Notoscincus Species
Notoscincus ornatus wotjulum