Notechis scutatus scutatus
A species of Tiger snakes Scientific name : Notechis scutatus scutatus Genus : Tiger snakes
Notechis scutatus scutatus, A species of Tiger snakes
Scientific name: Notechis scutatus scutatus
Genus: Tiger snakes
Description General Info


Notechis scutatus scutatus is renowned for its potent venom, making it a formidable predator within its ecological niche. Characterized by its highly aggressive defensive behaviours particularly when cornered, this snake plays a crucial role in regulating local rodent populations. Furthermore, its fascinating ambush hunting strategy involving strike-and-release, which allows the venom to take effect, reflects a sophisticated adaptive mechanism.

General Info

12-20 years
Notechis scutatus scutatus primarily subsists on a diet of small mammals and reptiles. Possessing a particularly strong predilection for mice and lizards, notechis scutatus scutatus is also known to readily consume birds, eggs, and frogs when available.
Notechis scutatus scutatus is a venomous snake with a robust body that can grow up to 1.5 meters. It possesses a clearly distinguishable head and a tapered tail. Its smooth, scale-covered skin displays a variation of colors, ordinarily olive to brown, often with a dark band or blotching. Its neutral tones camouflage well within its natural habitat. Distinctive markings may present themself along its body, varying from individual to individual.
Notechis scutatus scutatus demonstrates a predominantly nocturnal lifestyle, opportunistically preying on small reptiles and amphibians. It is known for its defensive posture, where the animal rears its body upright in a threat display. This species exhibits aggression when threatened and typically inhabits areas near water bodies. It does not exhibit pronounced social behavior, typically leading a solitary existence.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Elapids Genus
Tiger snakes Species
Notechis scutatus scutatus