Red neusticurus
A species of Common venezuelan water teiid Scientific name : Neusticurus rudis Genus : Common venezuelan water teiid
Red neusticurus, A species of Common venezuelan water teiid
Scientific name: Neusticurus rudis
Genus: Common venezuelan water teiid
Description General Info


Red neusticurus is notable for its semi-aquatic lifestyle in Tropical South American rainforests, where it demonstrates excellence in both terrestrial and aquatic ambulation. This species exhibits a unique foraging behavior, actively hunting crustaceans and insects, rather than sit-and-wait tactics, and allocating significant energy towards reproduction, producing large clutches of eggs annually.

General Info

8-12 years
Red neusticurus is a largely insectivorous species, feeding predominantly on arthropods. Its diet further includes small vertebrates and soft-bodied invertebrates, offering a diverse dietary palette.
Red neusticurus is a small-sized lizard with a sleek, streamlined body, covered in smooth scales. It possesses a uniform dull brown color, often with a vague pattern of darker spots across its back. It lacks any noticeable frills, horns, or wings. The elongated, slim tail accounts for about two-thirds of the total body length. Both males and females show similar appearances without any remarkable difference.
Red neusticurus is primarily terrestrial, spending most of its time in the leaf litter of forests. It is notable for its lifestyle, being solitary, nocturnal, and docile. The species exhibits a unique tail autotomy as a defense mechanism against predators. Their primary foraging behavior involves active hunting for arthropods in their habitat.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Spectacled lizards Species
Red neusticurus