Gulf salt marsh snake
A species of Water snakes Scientific name : Nerodia clarkii clarkii Genus : Water snakes
Gulf salt marsh snake, A species of Water snakes
Scientific name: Nerodia clarkii clarkii
Genus: Water snakes
Description General Info


Gulf salt marsh snake exhibits a semi-aquatic nature and adapts to a variety of aquatic habitats from freshwater lakes to brackish environments. Its primary feeding strategy comprises ambushing prey, including fish and amphibians. Notably, this species demonstrates an unique behavior of giving birth to live young, an adaptation providing them a survival advantage in aquatic environments.

General Info

6-10 years
Gulf salt marsh snake's diet primarily consists of small fish and amphibians. They display strong preference for certain types of fish, especially species that inhabit freshwater environments. Gulf salt marsh snake mostly hunts by ambushing their prey in shallow waters.
Gulf salt marsh snake is a medium-sized water snake endowed with a cylindrical body and smooth scales. Primarily dark brown or black, their sides occasionally bear a series of light-colored crossbands. The underside is yellowish with dark spots. Their heads are noticeably wider than their necks. Features like a forked tongue and round pupils are standard. No significant age, gender, or subspecies based variations have been documented.
Gulf salt marsh snake is primarily a solitary species, with notable diurnal activity. Much of its behavior is geared towards hunting and foraging, with a preference for fish and small amphibians. It exhibits territorial behavior, often defending its territory against other individuals. Adaptive behaviors such as hibernation during cooler seasons are crucial for its survival.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Natricinae Genus
Water snakes Species
Gulf salt marsh snake