Black and white spitting cobra
A species of Cobras, Also known as Indo-chinese spitting cobra Scientific name : Naja siamensis Genus : Cobras
Black and white spitting cobra, A species of Cobras
Also known as:
Indo-chinese spitting cobra
Scientific name: Naja siamensis
Genus: Cobras
Description General Info


The Indochinese spitting cobra (Naja siamensis) also called the Thai spitting cobra, Siamese spitting cobra or black-and-white spitting cobra, is a species of spitting cobra found in Southeast Asia.

General Info

15-20 years
Black and white spitting cobra is primarily a carnivorous species whose diet heavily depends on small mammals, predominantly rats and mice. Additionally, frogs and small birds occasionally figure in its nutrition intake.
Black and white spitting cobra is a medium-sized venomous snake with a robust body covered in smooth, glossy scales. Its primary coloration is glossy black, often featuring a distinctive yellow or white pattern on the neck and throat. The snake possesses a short, broad hood, which it can expand when threatened. There are no noticeable differences in appearance due to age, gender, or subspecies.
Black and white spitting cobra is a solitary and nocturnal species that patrols its territory, exhibiting distinctive defensive behaviors when threatened such as raising its body off the ground and spreading its iconic hood. Primarily terrestrial, it hunts and feeds largely on small mammals. It is particularly adapted to survive by exhibiting camouflaging behavior in various habitat types.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Elapids Genus
Cobras Species
Black and white spitting cobra