Samar cobra
A species of Cobras, Also known as Indian Scientific name : Naja samarensis Genus : Cobras
Samar cobra, A species of Cobras
Also known as:
Scientific name: Naja samarensis
Genus: Cobras
Description General Info


The Samar cobra (Naja samarensis) also called Peters' cobra, southern Philippine cobra or Visayan cobra, is a highly venomous species of spitting cobra native to the Visayas and Mindanao island groups of the Philippines.

General Info

15-20 years
Samar cobra is predominately an ophiophagous species, relying heavily on other snakes for nutrition. This nocturnal predator showcases a varied diet, encompassing lizards, small rodents, or even birds when snakes are unavailable.
Samar cobra is a medium-sized snake with a slender, elongated body covered in smooth, iridescent skin. Its coloration varies from light brown to deep black, adorned with cream or white bands, making a striking contrast. The species does not have pronounced differences due to age or gender. Its most notable feature is a broad hood, which it expands when threatened, showing off spectacular markings.
Samar cobra is a predominantly solitary, nocturnal species. It hunts by injecting venom into its prey through a bite, typically at night. Uniquely, samar cobra uses its hood to intimidate potential predators. It does not construct nests or burrows, but instead shelters in abandoned mammal burrows, rock crevices, or dense vegetation. Samar cobra is not known for any prominent territorial behaviors or markings.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Elapids Genus
Cobras Species
Samar cobra