Cape cobra
A species of Cobras, Also known as Yellow snake, Copper cobra Scientific name : Naja nivea Genus : Cobras
Cape cobra, A species of Cobras
Also known as:
Yellow snake, Copper cobra
Scientific name: Naja nivea
Genus: Cobras
Description General Info


The Cape cobra (Naja nivea), also called the yellow cobra, is a moderate-sized, highly venomous species of cobra inhabiting a wide variety of biomes across southern Africa including arid savanna, fynbos, bushveld, desert and semi-desert regions. The species is diurnal and is a feeding generalist, preying on a number of different species and carrion. Predators of this species include birds of prey, honey badgers and various species of mongoose. The Cape cobra is also known as.

General Info

12-20 years
Cape cobra primarily consumes smaller vertebrates, exhibiting an exceptional appetite for rodents and birds. This species also displays a notable predilection for amphibians and reptiles, including smaller members of its own kind.
Cape cobra is a medium-sized snake with smooth, glossy scales. Its primary coloration is a rich yellow to brown, with distinctive black bands toward the tail. The snake has a broad, slightly flattened head and a slender body, with a robust neck that can expand into a hood when threatened. This species does not exhibit significant differences in appearance due to age, gender, or subspecies.
Cape cobra exhibits solitary behaviour, emerging at dusk to hunt, primarily relying on its potent venom to immobilize prey. It's extremely territorial, reacting aggressively when disturbed, raising its body off the ground, spreading its hood, and hissing loudly. While not a climber, it's a competent burrower, thus adapted to its arid and semi-arid environments.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Elapids Genus
Cobras Species
Cape cobra