Naja nigricincta woodi
A species of Cobras Scientific name : Naja nigricincta woodi Genus : Cobras
Naja nigricincta woodi, A species of Cobras
Scientific name: Naja nigricincta woodi
Genus: Cobras
Description General Info


Naja nigricincta woodi exhibits highly specialized predatory behavior, employing a rapid strike mechanism to deliver a neurotoxic venom to its prey. This quick-action strategy, ensuing in protective mimicry, affords it a vital survival advantage in its native African savannah habitats. Remarkably, naja nigricincta woodi also showcases an interesting reproductive behavior, typically laying a large clutch of up to 14 eggs hardened in shells.

General Info

10-12 years
Naja nigricincta woodi is a carnivorous species primarily subsisting on rodents. Additionally, it exhibits a partiality for small reptiles and amphibians, supplementing its diet with these prey to maintain nutritional balance.
Naja nigricincta woodi is a medium-sized snake with smooth, glossy scales. Its coloration is primarily dark brown or black, interrupted by vibrant, patchy yellow or cream bandings. It lacks any prominent features like horns or wings, but does possess a potent venom apparatus and a distinctive, hooded head, a characteristic trait in cobra species. There are no significant appearance differences across age, gender, or subspecies.
Naja nigricincta woodi is typically a nocturnal and solitary species known for its defensive posturing when threatened. This snake uses venomous bites as a primary defense mechanism, but it isn't an active forager. Instead, it often waits in one location for prey. It demonstrates territorial behavior, particularly during breeding season.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Elapids Genus
Cobras Species
Naja nigricincta woodi