Naja nigricincta nigricincta
A species of Cobras Scientific name : Naja nigricincta nigricincta Genus : Cobras
Naja nigricincta nigricincta, A species of Cobras
Scientific name: Naja nigricincta nigricincta
Genus: Cobras
Description General Info


Naja nigricincta nigricincta is renowned for its potent neurotoxic venom, playing a crucial role in its strategy for immobilizing prey and self-defense. It is an essential apex predator in its arid and semi-arid habitats, thereby indirectly managing populations of smaller animals and impacting the ecological balance.

General Info

10-15 years
Naja nigricincta nigricincta primarily feeds on small mammals, especially rodents, punctuating its diet with various birds. This species also consumes the occasional amphibian or lizard, reflecting a carnivorous feeding habit with a certain preference for terrestrial prey.
Naja nigricincta nigricincta is a medium-sized snake with a slender, elongated body. Its scaled skin ranges from sandy beige to dark brown, occasionally displaying prominent, irregularly shaped black patterns. These snakes lack any wings or horns but have a unique, sharply pointed tail. Females tend to be larger and bear more striking patterns than males.
Naja nigricincta nigricincta is a nocturnal, solitary species, typically avoiding interaction if possible. Their distinct hood display when threatened is a defensive, not aggressive behavior. With feeding primarily on small mammals and birds, they use their venom both for hunting and self-defense. They are non-migratory and exhibit unique behaviors such as 'spitting' their venom, primarily in self-defense, and playing dead to deter predators.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Elapids Genus
Cobras Species
Naja nigricincta nigricincta