Indian cobra
A species of Cobras, Also known as Asian cobra Scientific name : Naja naja Genus : Cobras
Indian cobra, A species of Cobras
Also known as:
Asian cobra
Scientific name: Naja naja
Genus: Cobras
Description General Info


The Indian cobra (Naja naja) also known as the spectacled cobra, Asian cobra, or binocellate cobra is a species of the genus Naja found in the Indian subcontinent (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan) and a member of the "big four" species that inflict the most snakebites on humans in India. This snake is revered in Indian mythology and culture, and is often seen with snake charmers. It is now protected in India under the...

General Info

20-30 years
Indian cobra primarily preys on small mammals, particularly rodents. This snake uses its potent venom to immobilize prey, and occasionally consumes birds, amphibians, and other snakes, depending on food availability.
Indian cobra is a medium-sized, slender-bodied reptile with smooth, glossy scales. Its coloration varies from a light, creamy color to a dark brown or even black, often with a spectacle-shaped white or yellow pattern on the hood. The hood can be expanded as a notable feature when threatened. There is no significant variation in appearance due to age, gender, or subspecies.
Indian cobra is a solitary, nocturnal species, often seen burrowing during the day while hunting and feeding primarily at night. Although one of nature's more aggressive species, the majority of their time is spent inactive in concealed locations. Indian cobra are renowned for their distinctive threat display, fiercely defending their territory by spreading the hood and hissing, yet rarely initiate an unprovoked attack. Adapted for survival, their venomous strike is a method of both predation and defence.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Elapids Genus
Cobras Species
Indian cobra