Morelia spilota metcalfei
A species of Carpet pythons Scientific name : Morelia spilota metcalfei Genus : Carpet pythons
Morelia spilota metcalfei, A species of Carpet pythons
Scientific name: Morelia spilota metcalfei
Genus: Carpet pythons
Description General Info


Morelia spilota metcalfei exhibits a largely arboreal lifestyle, spending significant time in trees, embodying remarkable adaptation. Its nocturnal hunting strategy is characterized by opportunistic predation, patiently waiting to ambush prey. Furthermore, its reproduction mirrors oviparous behavior, with females protecting and thermoregulating their eggs until they hatch. This species is a critical contributor to regulating rodent and bird populations within its native Australian ecosystems.

General Info

20-30 years
Morelia spilota metcalfei is a carnivorous species primarily feasting on small mammals and birds. It utilizes ambush tactics in its hunting strategy, preferring live prey over carrion, with a propensity for nocturnal hunting.
Morelia spilota metcalfei is a large, slender python with smooth scales. It boasts a striking pattern of irregular, dark brown or black cross-bands on a background of cream to yellowish-tan. The intensity of this pigmentation can vary, making each individual unique. Males are generally smaller than the robust females. Notably, it has a pronounced, tapering tail and large eyes with vertical pupils.
Morelia spilota metcalfei showcases nocturnal, semi-arboreal tendencies, spending much time in trees to ambush prey. This solitary serpent is non-migratory and defends its territory fiercely against intruders. Its unique form of camouflage helps it blend into the natural environment, providing an effective means of hunting and evasion.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Pythons Genus
Carpet pythons Species
Morelia spilota metcalfei