Centralian carpet python
A species of Carpet pythons Scientific name : Morelia bredli Genus : Carpet pythons
Centralian carpet python, A species of Carpet pythons
Scientific name: Morelia bredli
Genus: Carpet pythons
Description General Info


Morelia bredli is a non-venomous python species found in Australia. No subspecies are currently recognized.

General Info

20-30 years
Centralian carpet python's diet primarily consists of small mammals, particularly rodents. This snake species utilizes its powerful constricting ability to subdue and consume prey, showing a preference for warmer, nocturnal entities like rats.
The mature centralian carpet python is a large snake, averaging 6-13 feet in length, with a robust body and smooth scales. It is mainly reddish-brown, distinctly contrasted with broad bands of cream or white. Juveniles sport a spiderweb pattern that gradually coalesces into bands as they age. The centralian carpet python lacks appendages, but does sport a lengthy, tapering tail.
Centralian carpet python is a nocturnal and predominantly arboreal species, comfortable with vertical perching. This solitary python is well-reviewed for its placid nature, yet its territorial instinct prompts defensive postures when threatened. Hunting its prey, centralian carpet python exhibits an ambush technique, remaining camouflaged within its environment until the right opportunity strikes.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Pythons Genus
Carpet pythons Species
Centralian carpet python