Cape wedgesnouted worm lizard
A species of Monopeltis Scientific name : Monopeltis capensis Genus : Monopeltis
Cape wedgesnouted worm lizard, A species of Monopeltis
Scientific name: Monopeltis capensis
Genus: Monopeltis
Description General Info


Cape wedgesnouted worm lizard holds a significant ecological role in African ecosystems, predominantly being fossorial and burrowing in nature, helping to improve soil aeration and turnover. It exhibits an exceptional hunting strategy, using its unique flattened head to probe the soil for earthworms and other invertebrates which make up its diet. Furthermore, cape wedgesnouted worm lizard's ability to 'swim' through soil allows for rapid evasion from predators, indicating adaptive survival mechanisms.

General Info

5-8 years
Cape wedgesnouted worm lizard is primarily insectivorous, with a preference for soft-bodied prey. Mealworms, earthworms, and termites make up a significant proportion of its diet, while larvae and beetles are consumed less frequently.
Cape wedgesnouted worm lizard is a medium-sized limbless reptile with smooth and glossy skin. Their body exhibits elongated cylindrical frame narrowing toward the tail. They are predominantly dark brown, almost black in color, without distinctive markings. Their unique feature is the often indistinguishable head and tail, rendering their front and back virtually identical when observed from a distance. There's no significant difference in appearance due to age, gender, or subspecies.
Cape wedgesnouted worm lizard is a solitary organism displaying nocturnal tendencies. Its behavioural repertoire includes extensive burrowing, indicative of a fossorial lifestyle. It primarily feeds on soft-bodied invertebrates, foraging underground due to its specialized anatomy. Intriguingly, cape wedgesnouted worm lizard can autotomize, or voluntarily shed, its tail as a defensive mechanism when threatened.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Worm lizards Genus
Monopeltis Species
Cape wedgesnouted worm lizard