Micrurus diastema apiatus
A species of Coral snakes Scientific name : Micrurus diastema apiatus Genus : Coral snakes
Micrurus diastema apiatus, A species of Coral snakes
Scientific name: Micrurus diastema apiatus
Genus: Coral snakes
Description General Info


Micrurus diastema apiatus is recognized for its unique ecological role, primarily exerted through its potent neurotoxic venom enabling it to subdue comparably large prey quickly. Its nocturnal habits and secretive nature represent key adaptations to its forest habitat, effectively reducing competition and predation risks. This species' peculiar diet, restricted mostly to other snakes (ophiophagy), is another example of a remarkable behavioral attribute.

General Info

7-12 years
Micrurus diastema apiatus is an elusive carnivorous reptile, feeding primarily on small lizards and frogs. It adopts an ambush strategy and utilizes a potent venom to immobilize its prey, which is then swallowed whole.
Micrurus diastema apiatus is a small and slender snake. Its skin is smooth-scaled with bold black and white rings encircling its entire body, a characteristic pattern of this species. It has a small, rounded head, distinct from the neck. The tail tapers to a sharp point. There is no noticeable difference between genders or significant age-related changes in their appearance.
Micrurus diastema apiatus are primarily solitary creatures known for their venomous nature. They display crepuscular activity, with peak foraging and hunting occurring during dawn and dusk. Characterized by its stealthy locomotion and aggressive defensive behavior, this species uses venom both for predation and self-defense against threats. Micrurus diastema apiatus possess no known territorial marking habits.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Elapids Genus
Coral snakes Species
Micrurus diastema apiatus