Guyanan toad-headed turtle
A species of Mesoclemmys Scientific name : Mesoclemmys nasuta Genus : Mesoclemmys
Guyanan toad-headed turtle, A species of Mesoclemmys
Scientific name: Mesoclemmys nasuta
Genus: Mesoclemmys
Description General Info


Guyanan toad-headed turtle is notable for its unique feeding strategy that relies on camouflaged ambush predation. This species thrives in freshwater habitats, displaying excellent adaptability in both flowing rivers and stagnant ponds. Additionally, guyanan toad-headed turtle exhibits a solitary lifestyle, coming together with others only during the mating season, thus reducing competition for food and territory.

General Info

20-30 years
Guyanan toad-headed turtle is mainly herbivorous, primarily relying on plant matter for nutrition, including leaves, fruits, and flowering plants. Yet, it also occasionally consumes small invertebrates, adding a carnivorous component to its feeding ecology.
Guyanan toad-headed turtle is a medium-sized turtle with a broad, slightly depressed carapace and a pointed snout. Its skin is rough and leathery, typically dark brown or black, with lighter markings around the edges of its carapace. One of its distinctive features is a sharp, protruding, beak-like nose, giving it a unique profile. There are no significant differences in appearance due to age, gender or subspecies.
Guyanan toad-headed turtle primarily leads a solitary and nocturnal lifestyle. It forages for food, predominantly carnivorous, using its prominent snorkel-like snout to sniff underwater. It exhibits territoriality, aggressively defending spaces from intruding males. Uniquely, females display philopatry, returning to their birthplace to lay eggs.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Testudines Genus
Mesoclemmys Species
Guyanan toad-headed turtle