Gibba turtle
A species of Mesoclemmys Scientific name : Mesoclemmys gibba Genus : Mesoclemmys
Gibba turtle, A species of Mesoclemmys
Scientific name: Mesoclemmys gibba
Genus: Mesoclemmys
Description General Info


Mesoclemmys gibba, known as the toadhead turtle or gibba turtle, is a small side necked turtle found in a wide area of South America, in Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Trinidad, Guyana, Surinam, Paraguay, and parts of Brazil.

General Info

15-30 years
Gibba turtle is primarily a carnivorous species, known to actively forage for fresh aquatic invertebrates, particularly crustaceans, mollusks, and aquatic insects. However, it occasionally consumes small fish and plant material.
Gibba turtle is a medium-sized turtle known for its unique, smooth, high-domed shell. Its skin and shell are primarily brown to dark olive green. The shell has a distinct gibbous shape, hence its name, and lacks any significant markings. Both males and females appear similar, with the males being slightly smaller.
Gibba turtle is a semi-aquatic species known for its basking behavior, often perching on branches or stones in or near water to absorb sunlight. Displaying primarily solitary tendencies, it exhibits strong territorial behavior, typically marking its territory through scent marking. Possessing a diet mainly consisting of aquatic vegetation and small invertebrates, gibba turtle shows active foraging behavior during dawn and dusk.

Scientific Classification