Dahl’s toadhead turtle
A species of Mesoclemmys Scientific name : Mesoclemmys dahli Genus : Mesoclemmys
Dahl’s toadhead turtle, A species of Mesoclemmys
Scientific name: Mesoclemmys dahli
Genus: Mesoclemmys
Description General Info


Dahl's toad-headed turtle (Mesoclemmys dahli) is a medium-sized species of side-necked turtle in the Chelidae family. This freshwater turtle is endemic to small pools, streams, and swamps in northern Colombia, but it aestivates on land.

General Info

20-30 years
Dahl’s toadhead turtle primarily sustains on plant matter and carrion, preferring tender shoots, fruits, and soft, decomposed flesh. Its opportunistic feeding behaviour is adapted to its watery habitat, capitalizing on seasonally available resources.
Dahl’s toadhead turtle is a medium-sized turtle with a convex, smooth carapace. It has distinctive light and dark patterning, generally brownish-black with yellowish spots or streaks. The head and neck are heavily mottled with the same light-dark combination. There are no significant visual differences between ages, genders or subspecies.
Dahl’s toadhead turtle is a largely aquatic species displaying a crepuscular behavior pattern, primarily active at dawn and dusk. It exhibits a solitary nature, defending its territory when necessary. Dahl’s toadhead turtle largely maintains a sedentary lifestyle, but is noted for foraging for food within its freshwater ecosystem. This species requires a specific habitat for survival, consisting of shallow freshwater bodies lined with dense vegetation.

Scientific Classification