Desert lacerta
A species of Mesalina Scientific name : Mesalina guttulata Genus : Mesalina
Desert lacerta, A species of Mesalina
Scientific name: Mesalina guttulata
Genus: Mesalina
Description General Info


Small-spotted lizard, (Mesalina guttulata) is a species of lizard. It is found in the following countries: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Sinai, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Iran (Kavir desert), India, S. Turkmenistan, N. Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Senegal, Niger, Sudan, Syria. Type locality: Egypt

General Info

5-8 years
Desert lacerta is an insectivorous lizard species, predominantly feeding on arthropods, focusing on ants, spiders, and beetles. Notably, they are highly dedicated predators whose diet reflects the local invertebrate abundance.
Desert lacerta is a small lizard with a slender, elongated body covered in smooth scales. Its skin showcases a base coloration of sandy beige or brown with darker irregular spots giving a banded look. A distinct feature is the black wedge-shaped marking behind each eye. Notable is its long tapered tail, making up almost two-thirds of its total length. There's little sexual dimorphism, though females may be slightly larger and duller in color.
Desert lacerta is a solitary lizard often observed basking in the sun to regulate body temperature. Notably nocturnal, it hides in burrows or under rocks during peak daytime heat. Characterized by its heliothermic nature, desert lacerta is an efficient forager utilizing sit-and-wait strategies for insect prey. Lacking territorial tendencies, it exhibits limited intraspecific aggression.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Wall lizards Genus
Mesalina Species
Desert lacerta