Malayopython reticulatus jampeanus
A species of Reticulatus clade Scientific name : Malayopython reticulatus jampeanus Genus : Reticulatus clade
Malayopython reticulatus jampeanus, A species of Reticulatus clade
Scientific name: Malayopython reticulatus jampeanus
Genus: Reticulatus clade
Description General Info


Malayopython reticulatus jampeanus is an elusive, non-venomous constrictor with interesting hunting techniques. Possessing swift aquatic capabilities, malayopython reticulatus jampeanus subdues its prey in water, using its body to suffocate victims. Its nocturnal tendencies and arboreal lifestyle are crucial for predator avoidance, while its unique thermal sensitivity aids in nocturnal hunting.

General Info

15-30 years
Malayopython reticulatus jampeanus's diet primarily consists of mammals and birds. As an opportunistic predator, it strategically positions itself to ambush prey, especially focusing on rodents and smaller bird species.
Malayopython reticulatus jampeanus is a large snake reaching up to 6.5 meters in length. Its scaly skin features a distinctive complex geometric pattern, boasting hues of yellow, black, white and grey. The snake's body is slender and symmetrical with a long, tapering tail. Unlike most reptiles, males and females are relatively similar in appearance without significant differences.
Malayopython reticulatus jampeanus is a nocturnal species primarily known for its solitary nature. This python displays an extraordinary hunting strategy, exhibiting immense patience and excellent camouflage skills until a potential prey passes. It marks territory by leaving shed skin and feces. While generally docile, it can demonstrate aggressive behavior when threatened or handled improperly.

Scientific Classification