Reticulated python
A species of Reticulatus clade, Also known as Selayar dwarf reticulated python, Greater reticulated python Scientific name : Malayopython reticulatus Genus : Reticulatus clade
Reticulated python, A species of Reticulatus clade
Also known as:
Selayar dwarf reticulated python, Greater reticulated python
Scientific name: Malayopython reticulatus
Genus: Reticulatus clade
Description General Info


The reticulated python (Python reticulatus) is a species of python found in Southeast Asia. They are the world's longest snakes and longest reptiles, and among the three heaviest snakes. Like all pythons, they are nonvenomous constrictors and normally not considered dangerous to humans. However, cases of people killed (and in at least one case eaten) by reticulated pythons have been documented.

General Info

15-30 years
Reticulated python is a consummate carnivore, with a preference for mammals such as rats, bats, monkeys, and even deer. Exceptionally large individuals have been known to prey on humans occasionally. Its hunting technique relies on stealth and ambush, usually subduing prey by constriction before ingestion.
Reticulated python is a large snake with a slender body covered in smooth, reflective scales. It exhibits an intricate geometric pattern of gold, olive green, and black hues, which provides excellent camouflage in its environment. The snake's head is compact and slightly distinct from its neck. Juveniles have brighter colors and more contrasting patterns than adults, but there are no significant differences between males and females.
Reticulated python exhibits solitary and nocturnal tendencies, primarily active at dusk. It utilizes its remarkable camouflage skills for hunting and ambush, often waiting for prey in bodies of water. There are no major territorial disputes, as physical encounters with conspecifics are rare. It is notable for its intricate skin-shedding routine, unique among pythons.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Pythons Genus
Reticulatus clade Species
Reticulated python