Greater martinique skink
A species of Mabuyas Scientific name : Mabuya mabouya Genus : Mabuyas
Greater martinique skink, A species of Mabuyas
Scientific name: Mabuya mabouya
Genus: Mabuyas
Description General Info


Mabuya mabouya is a species of skink found on certain islands in the Caribbean. It has shiny, bronze-colored skin, with a pair of light stripes that run along its upper flanks.

General Info

15-20 years
Greater martinique skink is primarily insectivorous, feeding on arthropods, especially spiders, beetles and grasshoppers. It occasionally supplements its diet with plant matter such as berries and flowers.
Greater martinique skink is a medium-sized lizard, with a slender body covered in smooth scales. They display a brown coloration, which often exhibits darker vertical striping and a lighter underside. This lizard possesses a long tail, making up two-thirds of its total length. No noticeable differences in appearance depending on age, gender, or subspecies have been reported.
Greater martinique skink is predominantly terrestrial and diurnal, known for its voracious appetite. This species is solitary, staunchly defending individual territories. Its survival adaptations include swift movements to escape predators and excellent camouflage amidst leaf litter and undergrowth. Unusually, despite its terrestrial preference, it is quite capable of swimming when needed.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Skinks Genus
Mabuyas Species
Greater martinique skink