Garden supple skink
A species of Supple and writhing skinks, Also known as Christmas island grass-skink Scientific name : Lygosoma bowringii Genus : Supple and writhing skinks
Garden supple skink, A species of Supple and writhing skinks
Also known as:
Christmas island grass-skink
Scientific name: Lygosoma bowringii
Genus: Supple and writhing skinks
Description General Info


Garden supple skink is an ecologically fascinating species, primarily exhibiting a nocturnal lifestyle adapted to seizing upon insect prey under the cover of darkness. Its foraging behavior is further specialized by its remarkable ability to clamber effortlessly along vertical surfaces, including tree trunks and walls, characteristic of its native habitat adaptation in Southeast Asia.

General Info

3-5 years
Garden supple skink predominantly feeds on insects, primarily consuming ants. Their dietary niche concentrates specifically on small Arthropoda, showcasing remarkable adaptation to their invertebrate-rich environment.
Garden supple skink is a medium-sized skink with a sleek, elongated body and smooth scales. Its skin features a distinct coloration pattern, primarily rendering varying shades of brown, lending it excellent camouflage. The dorsal side displays a darker tone than its cream to yellowish underbelly. The gender and age have no noticeable impact on the color or pattern, and this skink does not possess horns, wings, or unusually prominent tails.
Garden supple skink is a crepuscular, terrestrial species, exhibiting peak periods of activity during twilight. It leads a solitary lifestyle and primarily forages for invertebrates. Notably territorial, it typically defends its home range through distinct body posturing and aggression. Adapted to forest and grassland habitats, garden supple skink exhibits expert camouflage ability, melding seamlessly into its surroundings.

Scientific Classification