Common brown water snake
A species of African water snakes, Also known as Olive-brown water-snake Scientific name : Lycodonomorphus rufulus Genus : African water snakes
Common brown water snake, A species of African water snakes
Also known as:
Olive-brown water-snake
Scientific name: Lycodonomorphus rufulus
Genus: African water snakes
Description General Info


The common brown water snake (Lycodonomorphus rufulus) is a species of nonvenomous, South African, colubrid snake.

General Info

8-12 years
Common brown water snake is primarily an insectivorous species, typically consuming an array of arthropods. Relative to other food resources, these small invertebrates, including spiders and insects, constitute a significant part of its diet.
Common brown water snake is a slender-bodied snake with a spanning length of up to sixty centimeters. Its skin bears a glossy scale texture and usually displays a warm, brownish hue. The underbelly carries a muted cream color, while the dorsal stripes tend to be darker and more notable. These markings extend along the entire length of the body, from the pointed snout to the tapering tail.
Common brown water snake is primarily nocturnal, using the cover of darkness to hunt for its prey: small rodents and birds. This species is solitary, interacting with others primarily during the mating season. Its secretive and elusive nature, combined with effective camouflage, facilitates survival within its natural environment.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Lamprophiid snakes Genus
African water snakes Species
Common brown water snake