Lissemys punctata punctata
A species of Asian flapshell turtles Scientific name : Lissemys punctata punctata Genus : Asian flapshell turtles
Lissemys punctata punctata, A species of Asian flapshell turtles
Scientific name: Lissemys punctata punctata
Genus: Asian flapshell turtles
Description General Info


Lissemys punctata punctata is noteworthy for its distinctly languorous basking behavior, often sunning itself on the banks of freshwater bodies throughout the day. This turtle's ecological niche is also defined by its opportunistic feeding strategy, primarily molluscivorous, but with documented evidence of consuming crustaceans and fish, indicating a level of diet diversification that exhibits its adaptive capabilities in fluctuating environments.

General Info

15-20 years
Lissemys punctata punctata primarily feeds on aquatic vegetation, making it a predominantly herbivorous species. It exhibits a special preference for algae and water hyacinths, thus playing a significant role in controlling these aquatic plants.
Lissemys punctata punctata is a medium-sized freshwater turtle characterized by a flat, elongated oval shell with a smooth dorsal surface. The shell is typically a dull brown color, adorned with scattered dark spots and streaks. Its slightly projected snout, flanked by small pointy ears, is another striking feature. The head, neck, and limbs are olive-brown, with males tending to have a darker coloration and a larger, broader head.
Lissemys punctata punctata is a largely solitary and diurnal species, inhabiting calm, shallow bodies of water and displaying notable basking behavior. Predominantly herbivorous, lissemys punctata punctata employs a unique foraging strategy, feeding both underwater and on land. Territory marking is absent in this non-territorial organism, which resorts to a hinge-backed shell and camouflage for defense against predators.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Testudines Family
Softshell turtles Genus
Asian flapshell turtles Species
Lissemys punctata punctata