Lissemys punctata andersoni
A species of Asian flapshell turtles Scientific name : Lissemys punctata andersoni Genus : Asian flapshell turtles
Lissemys punctata andersoni, A species of Asian flapshell turtles
Scientific name: Lissemys punctata andersoni
Genus: Asian flapshell turtles
Description General Info


Lissemys punctata andersoni is an exquisite example of adaptation to an aquatic lifestyle. Capitalizing on its ability to stay submerged underwater for extended periods, it proficiently hunts for gastropods, crustaceans, and insects. It also displays a unique behavior of basking in the sun, which not only aids in thermoregulation but also facilitates the absorption of Vitamin D, thus underlining its dual reliance on aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.

General Info

15-20 years
Lissemys punctata andersoni's primary sustenance comes from aquatic vegetation and invertebrates. It favors eating algae, water hyacinths, snails, and insects which constitute a significant part of its diet.
Lissemys punctata andersoni is a moderately-sized, semi-aquatic turtle with a mildly flattened, oval-shaped shell that has small spines and pronounced growth rings. Its skin and shell are generally dark olive-brown, marked with yellow or cream spots. Its plastron is hingeless and light yellow with dark, irregular patches. Lissemys punctata andersoni has short limbs with sharp claws and a small head with a pointed snout.
Lissemys punctata andersoni is a solitary species, often observed basking in the sun, reducing activity in lower temperatures. Remarkably, it digs pits into riverbanks for nesting and lays its eggs, which is unusual among hard-shelled turtles. It exhibits unique defensive behavior, positioning itself sideways to expose pointed keel projections to deter potential predators.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Testudines Family
Softshell turtles Genus
Asian flapshell turtles Species
Lissemys punctata andersoni