Indian flapshell turtle
A species of Asian flapshell turtles, Also known as Southern indian flapshell turtle Scientific name : Lissemys punctata Genus : Asian flapshell turtles
Indian flapshell turtle, A species of Asian flapshell turtles
Also known as:
Southern indian flapshell turtle
Scientific name: Lissemys punctata
Genus: Asian flapshell turtles
Description General Info


The Indian flapshell turtle (Lissemys punctata) is a freshwater species of turtle found in South Asia. The âflap-shelledâ name stems from the presence of femoral flaps located on the plastron. These flaps of skin cover the limbs when they retract into the shell. It is unclear what protection the flaps offer against predators. Indian flapshell turtles are widespread and common in the South Asian provinces. They can live up to 300-400 years in life.

General Info

20-25 years
Indian flapshell turtle is a predominantly herbivorous species, deriving nutritious sustenance from an array of aquatic plants. They exhibit a partial favoritism for Hydrilla, consuming not only its palatable leaves but also its succulent stems, providing them with the necessary fibre and proteins vital for their health and growth.
Indian flapshell turtle is a medium-sized freshwater turtle with a distinctive dome-shaped shell covered in small, bead-like projections. Its skin and shell exhibit a brown to olive colour scheme with occasional black or yellow spots. Notably, it has a prolonged snout and a short, thick tail. Younger turtles tend to possess brighter colours and a smoother shell compared to adults.
Indian flapshell turtle is a terrestrial turtle with a semi-aquatic lifestyle, famous for its basking habits, often found in large aggregations for thermoregulation purposes. It mainly feeds on aquatic vegetation and insects, demonstrating a dawn-dusk foraging behavior. Being a submissive creature, indian flapshell turtle hardly exhibits any notable territorial behavior.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Testudines Family
Softshell turtles Genus
Asian flapshell turtles Species
Indian flapshell turtle