Sipora striped skink
A species of Lipinias Scientific name : Lipinia vittigera Genus : Lipinias
Sipora striped skink, A species of Lipinias
Scientific name: Lipinia vittigera
Genus: Lipinias
Description General Info


Also known as Banded Lipinia, Sipora Striped Skink or Common Striped Skink, Lipinia vittigera is a species of skink in the genus of Lipinia native to Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore and Cambodia.

General Info

5-10 years
The dietary habits of sipora striped skink largely include small invertebrates, focusing on arthropods. It is predominantly insectivorous, regularly feeding on ants, beetles, spiders, and various tiny insects which it finds among leaf litter and the forest floor.
Sipora striped skink is a nocturnal reptile that forages on the ground and on low vegetation, usually seen actively hunting and feeding on small arthropods at night. Solitary by nature, this animal is territorial, displaying aggressive behavior when defending its habitat.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Skinks Genus
Lipinias Species
Sipora striped skink