Common garden skink
A species of Indo-australian ground skinks, Also known as Penny lizard Scientific name : Lampropholis guichenoti Genus : Indo-australian ground skinks
Common garden skink, A species of Indo-australian ground skinks
Also known as:
Penny lizard
Scientific name: Lampropholis guichenoti
Genus: Indo-australian ground skinks
Description General Info


The common garden skink or pale-flecked garden sunskink (Lampropholis guichenoti) is a species of small common skink endemic to Australia.

General Info

5-6 years
Common garden skink is primarily an insectivorous species. Its diet heavily comprises small invertebrates, specifically termites and ants, which it actively hunts within its forest habitat.
Common garden skink is a small, slender reptile, rarely exceeding 40 mm in length. Its glossy, scales have an overall coloration varying between brown to almost black, often with paler lateral stripes. There is a conspicuous dark stripe running from its snout, across the eye to the back of the head. Both sexes appear similar, with no significant changes in appearance due to age or subspecies.
Common garden skink is largely diurnal, exhibiting crepuscular activities during dawn and dusk. This species is known for its cryptic behavior, blending into leaf litter in its habitat. They're solitary, each individual maintaining a small home range. Their diet consists primarily of small invertebrates. Common garden skink displays minimal territorial behavior, often overlapping home ranges without conflict.

Scientific Classification