Delicate skink
A species of Indo-australian ground skinks, Also known as Garden skink, Rainbow skink, Metallic skink Scientific name : Lampropholis delicata Genus : Indo-australian ground skinks
Delicate skink, A species of Indo-australian ground skinks
Also known as:
Garden skink, Rainbow skink, Metallic skink
Scientific name: Lampropholis delicata
Genus: Indo-australian ground skinks
Description General Info


The delicate skink, dark-flecked garden sun skink, garden skink or plague skink (Lampropholis delicata) is a skink of the subfamily Lygosominae, originally from Eastern Australia. In its native range, and in New Zealand, it is also known as the rainbow skink, a term that usually refers to the African Trachylepis margaritifera, also a member of the Lygosominae.

General Info

3-5 years
Delicate skink primarily subsists on small insects, particularly ants, with a predilection for soft-bodied prey. These skinks also occasionally consume larvae, making opportunistic and seasonal adjustments within their carnivorous dietary habits.
Delicate skink is a small yet bright, skink species with a streamlined body, smooth, glossy scales and a long tapering tail. Its upper body is primarily olive-brown or grey, with a broad, lighter central stripe from head to tail and a pair of similarly light stripes on either side. Underneath, it is whitish or pale brown. No significant differences exist in appearance due to age or gender.
Delicate skink is a diurnal and territorial creature that primarily exhibits solitary behaviors. This species consumes small invertebrates and uses a 'sit-and-wait' hunting strategy. Evidence suggests that delicate skink is oviparous, with females laying eggs in leaf litter. During colder months, delicate skink is less active, utilising a semi-hibernation state known scientifically as brumation.

Scientific Classification