Yunnan japalure
A species of Japalures Scientific name : Japalura yunnanensis Genus : Japalures
Yunnan japalure, A species of Japalures
Scientific name: Japalura yunnanensis
Genus: Japalures
Description General Info


Yunnan japalure is an intriguing reptile known for its pentadactyl configuration, providing a crucial edge while navigating the arboreal terrains of the densely vegetated Yunnan province of China. The behavior of yunnan japalure showcases an interesting diurnal/crepuscular pattern, active during the daytime and towards twilight, providing it with an ecological advantage in exploiting food resources and minimizing predatorial threats.

General Info

5-8 years
Yunnan japalure is predominantly insectivorous, thriving on a diet of small invertebrates. This lizard relies heavily on arthropods, particularly beetles and spiders, which contribute significantly to its nutritional requirements.
Yunnan japalure is a small and slender lizard showcasing predominantly green coloration. Males exhibit pronounced yellow-orange stripes along their body and head. Notably, its skin is rough and scaly, fitting for a lizard of its type. This species possesses no notable features such as wings or horns, but its vibrant tail is remarkable and usually held in a slight curve. No significant differences in appearance exist between genders, aside from size, with males generally larger.
Yunnan japalure is largely arboreal and exhibits excellent camouflage due to its skin color that blends with the greenery. Usually solitary, it interacts with others primarily during mating. This reptile is also distinctively territorial, vigorously nodding and puffing itself up defensively to deter intruders.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Dragons Genus
Japalures Species
Yunnan japalure