Australian water dragon
A species of Australian water dragon, Also known as Gippsland water dragon Scientific name : Intellagama lesueurii Genus : Australian water dragon
Australian water dragon, A species of Australian water dragon
Also known as:
Gippsland water dragon
Scientific name: Intellagama lesueurii
Genus: Australian water dragon
Description General Info


The Australian water dragon (Intellagama lesueurii, formerly Physignathus lesueurii ), which includes the eastern water dragon (I. l. lesueurii ) and the Gippsland water dragon (I. l. howittii ) subspecies, is an arboreal agamid species native to eastern Australia from Victoria northwards to Queensland. There may be a small introduced population on the south-east coast of South Australia.

General Info

15-20 years
Australian water dragon is known for its primarily herbivorous diet. Its food intake largely consists of plant material, predominantly leaves, flowers, and fruits, though it does occasionally consume small invertebrates.
The australian water dragon is a medium-sized semi-aquatic reptile known for its robust, streamlined body. It features rough scales in shades of grey to pale blue, often with yellow-orange patches around the throat area. Adults exhibit a crest of spiny scales on their back and tail. Young ones have more vivid colouration. Notably, males possess larger head and are generally bulkier compared to the females.
Australian water dragon is an adept climber and swimmer, spending substantial time sunning on branches near water, where it can escape predators quickly. It exhibits territorial behaviors mostly during breeding season. Social structure is rather complex, with a dominant male overseeing a group of females. Australian water dragon has been observed displaying unique behaviors during interaction, like arm-waving and head-bobbing.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Dragons Genus
Australian water dragon Species
Australian water dragon