West coast black-headed sea snake
A species of Graceful small-headed seasnake Scientific name : Hydrophis torquatus Genus : Graceful small-headed seasnake
West coast black-headed sea snake, A species of Graceful small-headed seasnake
Scientific name: Hydrophis torquatus
Genus: Graceful small-headed seasnake
Description General Info


As an expert in animal science, I can detail that west coast black-headed sea snake is a sea snake species displaying fascinating behaviors such as crepuscular activity and viviparity. The species utilizes its time efficiently, engaging mostly in hunting during dawn and dusk. Crucially, unlike many reptiles, west coast black-headed sea snake gives birth to live young, a remarkable adaptation that functions as an essential survival mechanism in its predominantly marine habitat.

General Info

7-8 years
West coast black-headed sea snake primarily subsists on a diet of small and medium-sized fish. It uses its venom to immobilize prey, demonstrating a preference for species with soft bodies, perfect for its consumption patterns.
West coast black-headed sea snake is a mid-sized sea snake, reaching lengths of about 1 meter. Its slender and compressed body is encased in smooth scales, with a dorsal coloration ranging from yellowish to grey and contrasting dark crossbands. The ventral side is significantly lighter. West coast black-headed sea snake possesses a remarkably small head with a slightly upturned snout. With age, the crossbands tend to fade, making older individuals less vivid in visual contrast.
West coast black-headed sea snake exhibits a vibrant nocturnal, solitary lifestyle, often hunting small fish during the night and resting on the sea floor during the day. Renowned for its neurotoxic venom, this species uses it primarily for prey immobilization. Characterized by a non-aggressive disposition, it usually only displays defensive actions in response to disturbances.

Scientific Classification