Yellow sea snake
A species of Graceful small-headed seasnake Scientific name : Hydrophis spiralis Genus : Graceful small-headed seasnake
Yellow sea snake, A species of Graceful small-headed seasnake
Scientific name: Hydrophis spiralis
Genus: Graceful small-headed seasnake
Description General Info


Hydrophis spiralis, commonly known as the yellow sea snake, is a species of venomous sea snake in the family Elapidae.

General Info

7-10 years
Yellow sea snake is predominantly piscivorous, feeding mainly on elongate fishes. Its diet primarily comprises demersal fish species, including small to mid-sized gobies and sand eels, which it efficiently captures and swallows whole.
The yellow sea snake is a serpentine marine creature known for its elongated, slender body that can reach up to 3 meters in length. It has smooth, scale-covered skin with dominant blue or grey tones and frequently displays dark crossbands. Its tail is laterally compressed, aiding in swimming, while its small, paddle-like head seamlessly transitions into the body, a key adaptation to its aquatic lifestyle. No significant differences are observed based on age, gender, or subspecies.
Yellow sea snake exhibits mainly solitary behavior, spending most of its time in open waters hunting. Its unique ambush hunting technique involves remaining motionless underwater until a prey approaches. Yellow sea snake, a non-migratory species, displays a high degree of territoriality in their individual hunting grounds.

Scientific Classification