Hardwicke's spine-bellied seasnake
A species of Graceful small-headed seasnake Scientific name : Hydrophis hardwickii Genus : Graceful small-headed seasnake
Hardwicke's spine-bellied seasnake, A species of Graceful small-headed seasnake
Scientific name: Hydrophis hardwickii
Genus: Graceful small-headed seasnake
Description General Info


H. hardwickii has the following characteristics. Body short, stout, neck region not less than half as thick at midbody; head large; scales squarish or hexagonal, juxtaposed, outer 3-4 rows larger than others, scale rows: males 23-31 around neck, females 27-35, around midbody, males 25-27, females 33-41; ventrals small, usually distinct anteriorly, not so posteriorly, in males 114-186, in females 141-230; head shields entire, parietals occasionally divided; nostrils superior, nasals in contact with one another; prefrontal usually in contact with second upper labial; 7-8 upper labials, 3-4 bordering eye; 1 pre- and 1-2 postoculars; 2, rarely 3, anterior temporals; greenish or yellow- olive above, whitish below, 35-50 olive to dark gray dorsal bars, tapering to a point laterally, occasionally encircling body, a narrow dark ventral stripe or broad irregular band occasionally present; adults often lack any pattern and are uniform olive to dark gray; head pale olive to black, yellow markings on snout present or not. Total length 860 mm (2' 4"), tail length 85 mm (3.3").

General Info

7-9 years
Hardwicke's spine-bellied seasnake exemplifies a piscivorous diet, predominantly consuming fish. This species displays an active foraging behavior in shallow waters, primarily engulfing gobies, groupers, and small-scale fish to satisfy its dietary needs.
Hardwicke's spine-bellied seasnake is a medium-sized sea snake with a slender, compressed body covered in smooth, iridescent skin. Its main coloration is pale blue, contrasting with the dark blue or black bands encircling its body. The snake's head is small and pointed, and its tail is paddle-shaped for efficient swimming. There are no significant variations in appearance due to age, gender, or subspecies.
Hardwicke's spine-bellied seasnake is a solitary, aquatic species, highly adapted to marine environments. Most notable is its deep-sea foraging, using its unique flattened tail to skillfully maneuver while hunting. As a venomous creature, it attacks prey using a rapid strike. Unlike many snakes, it doesn't defend a fixed territory, but is instead highly mobile.

Scientific Classification