Striped sea snake
A species of Graceful small-headed seasnake Scientific name : Hydrophis fasciatus Genus : Graceful small-headed seasnake
Striped sea snake, A species of Graceful small-headed seasnake
Scientific name: Hydrophis fasciatus
Genus: Graceful small-headed seasnake
Description General Info


Hydrophis fasciatus, commonly known as the striped sea snake, is a species of venomous sea snake in the family Elapidae (Hydrophiinae).

General Info

10-15 years
Striped sea snake predominantly feeds on various species of fish, demonstrating a pronounced piscivorous behavior. Its adapted neurotoxin proves effective in immobilizing its aquatic prey swiftly.
Striped sea snake is a slender, marine snake reaching lengths of up to 1.5 meters. Its skin is scaled, and is notably banded with black and blue-grey stripes, which are more prominent in males. The body concludes with a flattened, paddle-like tail that aids in swimming. Distinctively, striped sea snake exhibits sexual dimorphism, as females are typically larger and have a more vibrant coloration.
Striped sea snake exhibits nocturnal hunting behavior characterized by stealthy, fast attacks on prey. Although primarily solitary, communal shedding sites are noted. Further, they are non-territorial, moving widely across their aquatic habitats. Known for their adaptability, they thrive in multiple marine environments, indicating powerful survival strategies.

Scientific Classification